If you know your value, nobody can alter it.

Sometimes thoughts pop into my head, why not journal them down? 🙂

Your self value is a wheel that pushes you into its natural self-decided and commanded  direction. with out innate abilities of intuition and sense of direction ,we  can often  overlook them due to not realising our self worth and not trusting ones self. However, the world does not see us as we see ourselves. When you look in the mirror and critique the sculpture of art that you are, why do we assume that the world has the same perception as our own? Nobody has an identical mind. We get upset when judged and criticised when we ourselves are our biggest critique’s, allowing a flow of judgement into our hearts. No, just no. When we criticise ourselves  we are giving permission for others to judge us and then have ourselves dwell on it. Others pick up on the energy we project and may unknowingly treat us accordingly, creating quite a harsh cycle. If you say no, you remove that permission and nobody will be able to change your mind. We are already perfect, we are Gods and Goddesses. It is a lack of awareness of our true value and power that leads to cheap thoughts to causing  us to believe we are less than what we are. My friends, our reality is a projection of our thoughts. If you humbly decide to work on loving yourself completely then your reality must obey what you project. Therefore it will make a demand on  your world that others love you for who you are, and the rest of them will just fall out of your way. Surely we do not want to continue to bully ourselves. Be on your own team and don’t sabotage what you are entitled to. Take the time to get to know yourself, not the self you made yourself believe you are to please others and society. Dammit it’s not all our fault, it is drummed into our heads that we must be a certain way to fit a specific ideal. No way! We are all different and that is wonderful. I’m not saying it’s easy but it is part of life’s journey , self acceptance , and it takes time.



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